2021-12-22 06:11:32
文章原標題:深圳注冊投資管理公司需要具備哪些條件? 投資公司的條件:一人(一名股東)注冊一家投資公司,注冊資本需一次性到位,不能分期投資。兩個以上注冊投資公司,可以分批出資。公司注冊資本不低于注冊資本總額的20%,其余注冊資本在5年內到位。3、投資管理有限公司:100萬元。5、創業投資有限公司:1000萬元。1、監事可以設立監事會(需要一名以上監事),也可以不設立監事會,但必須設一名監事。一人有限公司中,股東不能擔任監事;兩個以上股東可以擔任監事。2、公司注冊時,必須有注冊資本。投資公司的注冊資本至少限額為1000萬元以上(投資管理公司的注冊資本至少限額為3萬元以上,按注冊性質不同而定)(投資管理公司的注冊資本至少限額為3萬元以上兩個以上股東,一個股東10萬元以上)。、代理記賬公司費用和流程、營業執照辦理查詢年審等財稅服務,并為大中小微企業及創業者提供代辦公司注冊,代理記賬報稅,營業執照辦理等企業服務,助力中小企業發展!Promote gradually as masses culture level and economic condition, investment market also more and more be very popular, investment management company gets more and more attention, so does Shenzhen register investment management company to need what to requirement have Look together.Not under 20% what register capitalization, the others registers capital to reach the designated position inside 5 years.2, investment consults limited company: 30 thousand yuan.4, investment limited company: 10 million yuan.5, poineering investment limited company: 10 million yuan.2, when the company is registered, must have register capital. The enrollment that invests a company capital at least limitation is 10 million yuan of above (invest those who run a company to register capital at least limitation is 30 thousand yuan of above, by register property to differ and decide) (invest those who run a company to register capital at least limitation is 30 thousand yuan of above two above partner, a partner 100 thousand yuan of above) .3, when company name is registered, ought to register approve company name on the net first (user name must be the natural person partner that plans to create a company or one of legal person partner, refer the name test and verify of much home company.Shenzhen heart always believes wealth tax to serve limited company tax of wealth of dedicated big small and medium sized business serves, offer Shenzhen to register company flow and charge
